Injuries and arrests in a raid campaign in the West Bank

Injuries and arrests in a raid campaign in the West Bank

A number of citizens were injured last night during a campaign of raids carried out by the occupation forces in various areas of the West Bank.

According to local sources, a young man was shot in the right leg during confrontations with the occupation forces on Amman Street in central Jericho, and he was taken to the hospital.

The occupation forces stormed Jericho from its eastern entrance, set up a military checkpoint in the middle of the city, and fired live and rubber bullets at the young men.

Meanwhile, a number of citizens suffocated with toxic gas, after other forces stormed the village of Jalboun, northeast of Jenin.

These forces fired poison gas bombs at homes and citizens while they were participating in a wedding, causing many to suffocate.

They set up a military checkpoint at the entrance to the village, and stopped citizens' vehicles and searched them.

The young man, Muhammad Ahmed Yahya, was arrested from the village of Al-Arqa, west of Jenin.

Meanwhile, the editor, Islam Abu Shanab, was arrested while passing through the Shufa military checkpoint, southeast of Tulkarm.

The outskirts of Tulkarm camp witnessed armed clashes between the resistance fighters and the occupation forces, which were forced to withdraw after the infiltration of a special force was revealed.

In the town of Shuyoukh in Hebron, the occupation forces confiscated two vehicles from the town.

Other areas of Nablus, Qalqilya, and others also witnessed a campaign of raids, without any arrests being reported.