Macron warns of re-closing the borders between European countries to stop the rise in Corona infections

Macron warns of re-closing the borders between European countries to stop the rise in Corona infections

 French President Emmanuel Macron warned today, Friday, against re-closing the borders between the countries of the European Union, saying that this measure was ineffective and was counter-productive to stop the rise in infections with the emerging coronavirus (Covid19-).

A day after the French authorities expanded the red zones to cover large parts of southern France, Macron instead called for European coordination and joint approaches to confront a second wave of the outbreak.

Macron added during his visit to a pharmaceutical factory: "Closing the borders between two countries is meaningless when there are gatherings and active trading areas as we call them now, which are clearly defined."

Macron warned that Europe has millions of workers who cross the borders, as some of them travel between two regions without HIV infections in different countries, and it would be "absurd" to impede "daily and economic life."

The French president stated that he had discussed the matter with German Chancellor Angela Merkel during her visit to his summer residence in southern France last week, and he expected more efforts on this issue in the coming days.

Yesterday, Thursday, France recorded 6,111 new cases of Coronavirus, the highest rate of infections recorded since the end of March, which saw the imposition of a strict lockdown in France for a period of 55 days.