Leonardo da Vinci raises controversy between France and Italy

Leonardo da Vinci raises controversy between France and Italy

 On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of his death, it appears that the celebration of the Louvre by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci may end in heavy losses.

Leonardo da Vinci was a pioneer in the Renaissance, was a painter, scientist, engineer and inventor, and was praised as one of the greatest artists who ever lived.

But as Europe prepares for a five-year artistic show marking its fifth anniversary, Italy and France have entered into a diplomatic row over Da Vinci, threatening the grand exhibition at the Louvre museum in Paris.

Da Vinci, the illegitimate son of a notary public in the town of Vinci in the mountainous region of Tuscan in 1452, spent most of his last years in the court of French King François I, a pastor of arts and literature, who died on May 2, 1519.

The life of Leonardo da Vinci has turned into something like the continuing legend, as the famous Ingres painting that he used to die in King Valois´s hands showed, although the latter was elsewhere that baptized his son, according to the British newspaper The Guardian.

However, a recent political row between Italy´s far-right right-wing party led by Matteo Salvini and France´s centrist party president Emmanuel Macaron has caused the grief of historians and the concern of the world´s museum world.

Negotiations have recently intensified in order to calm the controversy caused by a member of the League and Italian Deputy Minister of Culture Lucia Borgozoni when she suggested that her government cancel "loan" some of the main paintings of Davinci and withdraw them after the Italian museums agreed two years ago, accusing France of trying to dominate the Leonardo´s celebrations and "marginalization of Italy in a major cultural event".

To illustrate her point of view, Borgonesi added: "Leonardo is an Italian and all that he has died in France only."

The Louvre exhibition is scheduled to open in October so as not to overwhelm the Italian celebrations on this occasion in May.

The Louvre has only five paintings of the 14 paintings of the great artist, but the French Museum wanted to use Italy to borrow some paintings of Davenci. In return, Rome decided to borrow some of Rafael Sanzio´s work for next year.

In the interest of calm, the Louvre did not declare any statements that would escalate or pour oil on fire.

Leonardo´s paintings, borrowed by the Louvre from Italy, are believed to include the famous painting "Vitrovian Man" in Venice, as well as the incomplete painting of St. Jerome in the Wilderness.

French Culture Minister Franck Riester said the stalemate should be tackled through "peaceful" talks, so he would meet with his Italian counterpart Alberto Bonisoli next month in an attempt to reach an agreement.

Bonisoli, a member of the anti-government five-star movement, said he was not opposed to the Leonardo loan agreement, citing some "imbalances" in the original deal that had to be settled.

"I hope that this meeting will happen soon, because the situation created by the diplomatic impasse affects not only the events of the Leonardo events, but also paralyzes all of the events of the events," said Barbara Agosti, a professor of art history at the University of Tor Vergata in Rome. Cultural exchanges with French museums, and this is a disaster. "

"This situation has been dealt with in a clumsy way, but the biggest loser in this is the story of art. It is a pity for Italian and French museums."

Other events that highlight the life of Leonardo da Vinci in France include the "Fine Arts - Paris" where 4 paintings of Leonardo are exposed as part of the Renaissance paintings exhibition, and these paintings have not been seen by many people in public places before.

Italy and France are at odds with the Art School after the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre in 1911.

After two years of police confusion and misguided suspicion about the involvement of artist Pablo Picasso and poet Guillaume Apolliner, the painting, stolen by an Italian criminal, was found in Florence and then returned to Paris, but first transferred to the Fine Arts School to be validated, , Where they were presented to the public for two days.

To add to the myth and legend about Leonardo, the thief argued at the time that he wanted to return the Mona Lisa to its rightful home after being stolen by France. In fact, Leonardo da Vinci took the painting with him to France in 1516, where he was bought by King François I.

"There is a universal passion for history and one of the greatest artists in the world can not be reduced to a mere political idea: Leonardo´s works are global, not Italian or French," said director of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Ian de Loisey.


For his part, Renaissance historian and expert on the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Pascal Prewiste said that the artist´s relationship with France began at the beginning of his career among pastoralists and changing geography, which was very different from what it is now. "It is wrong to imagine that Da Vinci was patriotic in the modern sense of the term because Modern nationalism did not yet exist. "

Sophie Shufu, who wrote about Leonardo´s idea as a literary figure, said: "He is a star who embodies the supernatural preference formula, he had a human character and was interested in everything, and he paid attention to others, but he was never national, so he went where he could work. , The small conflicts today, which revolve around what it was, seem ridiculous and ridiculous. "

"The political crisis between Macaron and Salfini is the largest between France and Italy since 1945," said Marc Lazar, who teaches at the French University of Sciences in Paris and the Italian university LUISS in Rome.

However, he noted that the French president had recently begun to soften his public comments against Salvini. Lazar said it was clear that France wanted to "avoid the political crisis that has an impact on other activities, including culture, museums and the 500th anniversary of Leonardo´s death."