A child of McGregor suddenly appears ... and the mother tells the details

A child of McGregor suddenly appears ... and the mother tells the details

 A young woman invited a mixed martial arts hero, Connor McGregor, to confess to his "supposed" daughter, the Sun newspaper reported.

According to the source, MacGregor was subject to a tanning lotion in a saloon while Terry Murray, 26, confirmed that she gave birth to him.

Terry says she has a relationship with McGregor in Liverpool, but the Irish hero denies the paternity and goes to DNA analysis to prove what he says.

Terry has published several "intimate" photos alongside the Irish hero, who has a fortune of 85 million euros. The mother says her relationship with McGregor was during her trip to Liverpool to attend a race for horses.

McGregor´s supposed daughter is up to one year old, and the mother says she does not seek money because all she cares about is paternity.

McGregor denies having sex with Titri, but the potential mother says she was initially banned when he began to lure her sexually and then invited her to her suite in the hotel, later.