Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian intelligence officer and caused his leg to be amputated.

Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian intelligence officer and caused his leg to be amputated.

RAMALLAH _ Palestine News Network

Soldiers of the border police fired a Palestinian officer from the intelligence service, which led to her amputation, the Hebrew daily Ha´aretz reported on Sunday morning.

The newspaper said the incident occurred during a military operation in the village of Kober near Ramallah, targeting "Salah Barghouti " (52 years), noting that he was transferred for treatment after injury and doctors had to amputate his leg.

The newspaper noted that despite the condition of the health officer, he was tied up in bed during the first three days, before the head of the intelligence services Majid Faraj intervened and asked to remove the restrictions.

He said he had decided to cancel his arrest warrant and he will be transferred for treatment in Ramallah this day.

A relative of the injured officer said that his injury and arrest took place during a raid on the house of Omar Barghouti, the father of Cheb Saleh, who was accused of carrying out the Ofra operation. He indicates that he is diabetic and he eats blood thinning pills and has lost consciousness when he is infected.

He noted that two days later they knew that he was in the hospital of Bielefeld in Ptah Tikva, and when he woke up, he was surprised that his leg had been amputated, while the other was handcuffed to his hand amid heavy guard from the Israeli military police.

During his detention, Barghouti suffered a heart attack and underwent surgery, and after the intervention of the Palestinian intelligence chief, the military police were removed from the room and his brother was allowed to be with him, according to the newspaper.