Israeli occupation seizes thousands of dunums to expand Street between Jerusalem and Hebron

Israeli occupation seizes thousands of dunums to expand Street between Jerusalem and Hebron

JERUSALEM _ Palestine News Network

The Israeli government on Wednesday approved the extension of the bypass Street "No. 60" between Jerusalem and Hebron.

The official agency quoted the director of the Office of the Wall Resistance and settlement in Bethlehem Hassan Brijie that Israeli Transport Minister Yisrael Katz gave orders to proceed to expand the street according to a scheme called  "wrapping Arroub " Through four routes.

According to Breger, the plan will result in the looting of thousands of dunums of green land, Beit Jala and Al-Masar in Bethlehem, and Beit al-Khalil, north of Hebron, with a width of about 100 meters.

Brijie said the decision came in the context of extending the occupation´s influence over the province of Bethlehem, being an integral part of the "Greater Jerusalem", according to Israeli claims.