Israeli military order to demolish the house of the Martyr´s family

Israeli military order to demolish the house of the Martyr´s family

RAMALLAH-Palestine News Network

The Israeli occupation authorities on Monday alerted the family of a Palestinian martyr from Ramallah to demolish her house.

Eyewitnesses and local sources said that the Israeli occupation army stormed into the town of Kober, north of Ramallah (north of occupied Jerusalem), at dawn today, and pasted a military order at the house of the Martyr´s family, "Mohammed Tariq Dar Yousef", to demolish it.

The martyr "Mohammed Tariq" was executed on July 26 July, a stabbing in the Israeli settlement of "Adam" on Palestinian land north of occupied Jerusalem, which killed an Israeli soldier and wounded two settlers.

The bomber cited the shooting of a settler who had been at the scene of the operation in the settlement of "Adam".

In response to the operation, the Minister of the Israeli occupation army, Avigdor Lieberman, had decided to approve a plan for the construction of 400 new settlement units in the settlement on Palestinian land belonging to the town of Jbaa, north of Jerusalem.

The policy of demolishing Palestinian homes that the occupying forces claim to have carried out, planned or assisted in carrying out acts of resistance against Israeli targets in the occupied territories or occupied Palestinian Territory is 48 of the most prominent forms of war crimes committed by Tel Aviv against Palestinian civilians.

 The Government of occupation claims that this policy is aimed at "deterrence" with a view to limiting the acts of resistance.