Islamic countries demand adoption of a day against "Islamophobia"

Islamic countries demand adoption of a day against "Islamophobia"

The OIC summit in Mecca on Saturday condemned the phenomenon of "Islamophobia", calling to refrain from practices that link Islam to "terrorism" and to ask the United Nations to adopt a day against this "religious discrimination."

Members of the 57-member organization said in a closing statement that "Islamophobia, as a contemporary form of racism and religious discrimination, has been growing in many parts of the world, as evidenced by the increase in incidents of religious intolerance."

Leaders of the Organization, the largest after the United Nations, called on countries with Muslim communities and minorities to "refrain from all policies, statements and practices linking Islam to terrorism or extremism."

They also called on the United Nations to adopt 15 March as "an international day against Islamophobia".

On March 15, an armed attack targeted two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, during Friday prayers that killed about 50 people and was transported out by a far-right Australian.