Injuries during the suppression of the settlement march in Salfit

Injuries during the suppression of the settlement march in Salfit

Dozens of citizens were wounded with metal bullets and tear gas today, Thursday, during the occupation forces´ suppression of a central march rejecting settlements in the city of Salfit.

And local sources reported that the head of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Authority, Walid Assaf, the deputy head of the Fatah movement Mahmoud Al-Aloul, and the secretary of the Fatah movement in Tubas region Mahmoud Sawafta were suffocated by the occupation forces´ firing tear gas canisters at the demonstrators.

The secretaries of Fatah, in Jenin, Ata Abu Rumaila, Nablus Jihad Ramadan, and Salfit Abdel Sattar Awad were also wounded by rubber-coated metal bullets.

Large crowds of the occupation forces stormed the Al Ras area, west of Salfit, and stationed near the municipal stadium, prior to the arrival of the central march that the forces, factions and institutions called to reject the settlement bulldozing operations taking place in the area.

Tear gas canisters and metal bullets were massively fired at the demonstrators.

It is noteworthy that, a few days ago, settlers began to raze areas of land in the Al Ras area in preparation for establishing an outpost on it and paving a road linking it to the settlement of "Ariel".