Injuries during the suppression of the march against settlement in Azmut

Injuries during the suppression of the march against settlement in Azmut

Dozens of citizens were injured Friday afternoon when Israeli occupation forces repressed a peaceful anti-settlement march in the town of Azmout, east of Nablus.

Hundreds of citizens held Friday prayers on the land of the town of Azmout, exceeded with confiscation, for the second week in a row, at the invitation of the Coordinating Committee and the wall and settlement resistance.

Following the prayer, the residents marched peacefully towards the entrance to "Alon Moreh" settlement on the town´s land, where the Israeli occupation forces rushed to suppress the demonstrators, rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas canisters.

A number of citizens were shot and suffocated. The ambulance crews cave them treatment on the ground. Some of the injured were taken to hospitals in Nablus.