Hundreds of thousands are marching in London to demand a second referendum on Brixet

Hundreds of thousands are marching in London to demand a second referendum on Brixet

 Hundreds of thousands of people from all over Britain are preparing to take to the streets of London on Saturday to demand a second referendum on Britain´s exit from the European Union (BRIC).

Observers expected an increase in the number of demonstrators, who call for a second referendum on Britain´s exit from the bloc to more than a million after a similar march, organized in October last year attended by about 700 thousand people.

The demonstrators will march from the Park Lan road to the parliament building from midday, followed by a sit-in in front of parliament.

The list of dignitaries on Saturday included the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan of the opposition Labor Party and the leader of the Scottish National Party, Nicolas Stirgen.

British Prime Minister Theresa May has repeatedly rejected calls for a second referendum, although parliament has yet to reach an agreement on Britain´s exit from the bloc.

EU and May leaders agreed this week to delay Britain´s exit from the bloc to May 22, thus avoiding the possibility of Britain leaving the bloc on March 29.