Human Rights: Saudi Alliance bombed Yemeni children´s bus/"war crime"

Human Rights: Saudi Alliance bombed Yemeni children´s bus/"war crime"

Sana´a _ Agencies

Human Rights Watch accused the Saudi alliance of committing a "war crime" following a raid on a bus carrying children in northern Yemen in August August.

At least 26 children were killed and 19 others injured in a raid on a bus in the crowded northern Yemeni market of Dhayan.

"This attack is a new addition to the notorious coalition´s record of killing civilians in weddings, funerals, hospitals and schools in Yemen," said Bill Van Esvelide, an FAO researcher.

"The countries that have knowledge of this record who supply the Saudis with bombs may be complicit in future attacks that kill civilians," he said.

The United States is reported to be handing over $7 billion worth of modern weapons to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. According to Human Rights Watch´s statement.

The Saudi alliance acknowledged that the air raid that killed scores was "unjustified", and the coalition vowed to hold those responsible to account.

"It will continue to review its rules of engagement to prevent the recurrence of such a mistake," the coalition said in a statement.

"The leadership of the joint forces expresses its sorrow for these mistakes, and extends its condolences and solidarity to the families of the victims and wishes the wounded a speedy recovery," a coalition statement released by the official Saudi news agency said.

The coalition air raids last month left 51 people dead.