Huawei crisis after the 80-minute meeting between Trump and Shi

Huawei crisis after the 80-minute meeting between Trump and Shi

US president Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping have agreed to a truce from their year-long business battle that the cost of the companies billions of dollars, led by Huawei Technologies.

Trump said he would allow US companies to sell to Huawei China, while Beijing would buy more US agricultural products.

Huawei is the world´s largest telecom producer, but is under intense scrutiny after the United States has informed its allies that they would not use the technology because of concerns about China´s spying activities.

Trump introduced Huawei Technologies to the blacklist of trade in the United States, last May, which banned US companies from any business with Huawei involving the transfer of assets, software or technical services.

This led to Google blocking any business with Huawei, as well as the suspension of US companies supplying their shipments of chip-forming devices to Huawei mobile phones.

But the Wall Street Journal reported Saturday that both Trump and Shi sat down for an 80-minute luncheon, Saturday, on the sidelines of the G20 leaders´ summit.