He won 80 million dollars. And his ex-wife. "Never mercy him."

He won 80 million dollars. And his ex-wife.  "Never mercy him."

Two years after his wife´s divorce, an American man participated in a lottery, apparently a lucky stroke, winning a fortune of $ 80 million.

But luck was not complete or half-hearted when a court in Chicago ordered half of his lottery fortune to be paid for his divorce as part of a divorce settlement.

According to Fox News, only Rich Zelasco, from Detroit, divorced his wife Mary Beth two years before winning the lottery in 2013.

The court considered the win a lottery "Mega Millions" part of his property, which should be shared with his forerunner, according to the site, "Detroit Free Press"

It appears that the husband´s lawyer did not succeed in defending his client against the division of money or wealth.

"Rich was lucky," the lawyer was quoted as saying by the Detroit Post. "What happened with him was that he won the lottery and was not in luck with Mary."

According to Fox News, Rich´s total wealth was $ 38.9 million, after deducting taxes, discounts and other discounts, so Mary would receive about $ 15 million.

The Court stated that, since the parties had agreed that the loss during the marriage was in partnership, the profit should also be shared.

After the appeal was applied, the Court of Appeal held last week that the verdict was flawless and therefore the judgment of the court of first instance should be applied.

The Rich and Mary Beth were married in 2004 and resulted in the marriage for three sons, but they broke up sometime in the time of the year 2011, while divorce transactions were completed in 2018, according to Fox News.

In this case, the divorce of these two ordinary couples may become one of the most expensive separations, which is similar to the divorce of the stars and the rich.