Half a century later .. a lost ring was found on the beach

Half a century later .. a lost ring was found on the beach

A Florida citizen lost his personal ring on the day he graduated and was found 49 years later.

UPI reports that Kenneth Board finished Auburndale High School in 1970, and during the graduation ceremony he lost his ring on the beach near the school, and did not notice that until the next evening. In 1971 Kenneth bought a ring exactly the same as his missing ring, but he also lost it.

Two weeks ago, treasure researcher Jerry Pope was searching by the metal detector at Melbourne Beach, and he found the old ring which was transported by sand and after we cleaned his photos and posted the image on the social network "Facebook".

Soon Bob will meet Kenneth to hand him the ring, and the latter says: "I want to know what my ring looks like and whether its diameter will fit with my finger because I will carry it and I will never lose it."