A couple lived together 68 years and died together

A couple lived together 68 years and died together

 A married couple from the state of Minnesota lived together for 68 years, leaving only one day apart.

According to USA Today, Robin and Koren Johnson moved to a farm in the Norsland region, shortly after their marriage, where they lived there for 67 years, during which they planted corn, soybeans, wheat and had children.

Half a year ago, they were taken to hospital as a result of their poor health. After performing the necessary tests, she discovered that Rubin had cancer and Koren´s heart failure. The wife died last November 24 at the age of 87, and the next day her husband died at the age of 88, and the obituary statement said, "They left this world together, surrounded by those who loved them."

The couple left seven boys, 14 grandchildren, 15 sons and a daughter´s grandchildren.

It is reported that the spouses loved each other 71 years and died on the same day with a difference of only 12 hours.