Greeks prevent boats carrying migrants from landing in Lesbos

Greeks prevent boats carrying migrants from landing in Lesbos

 A group of residents of the Greek island of Lesbos, among the shouts of "Going back to Turkey" Sunday, prevented about fifty migrants from landing their boat after several hours at sea, according to photographers told France Press.

In Thermi port, angry residents prevented the arrival of many migrant boats, including many minors, from disembarking amid insults directed at the local representative of the UNHCR.

Some residents attacked journalists, photographers, beat them and threw cameras at sea.

On the road to the overcrowded camp in Moria, where more than 19,000 migrants reside, another group of residents, using iron chains and stones, attempted to prevent police buses carrying asylum seekers who arrived Sunday from reaching the reception and registration center, according to the Greek News Agency.

After Turkey decided to open its borders, immigrants arrived more than usual on Sunday to the Greek islands thanks to the good weather.

At least 500 migrants arrived on Sunday morning on dozens of boats, according to an AFP count.

Four boats with 120 people onboard docked on Chios Island and two others with 80 people on Samos, according to the official news agency.

As for the Greek coast guard, they confirmed the arrival of about 180 immigrants to the islands of Lesbos and Samos on Saturday, despite the strong winds.

Hundreds of Lesbos residents demonstrated in late February against the construction of a new migrant camp, demanding relief from congestion on their island.