Global Health: Political pledges are necessary to ensure the public benefit of the vaccines "COFED-19"

Global Health: Political pledges are necessary to ensure the public benefit of the vaccines "COFED-19"

The World Health Organization (Friday) said there was a need for political pledges to ensure that the expected new Coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines are of public benefit.

"We hope that ... when the vaccine is available, it will be available to those who need it, and we will do everything with our partners to achieve this," WHO Director-General Tidros Adhanum Gebresos told a remote news conference in Geneva.

"But I will repeat, the political pledges on the part of political leaders, on the part of our leaders from the north and the south, will be very important to achieve the goal of making the vaccine a public benefit and to confirm it," he added.

Tidros noted that, during many global conferences, "many leaders have said that vaccines should be a global public good."