Charges against 3 other US policemen for the death of "George Floyd"

Charges against 3 other US policemen for the death of "George Floyd"

A Minnesota prosecutor has been charged with second-degree murder of a former policeman in custody, and has accused three other former policemen, of aiding and abetting the death of George Floyd.

The killing of Floyd, a 46-year-old black American, has caused turmoil over the past days in various parts of the United States. Demonstrators have called for an end to the police brutality against African Americans, and have expressed their anger at racism and the unfair implementation of the law.

These accusations fulfill a key demand of Floyd´s family members, who have said that justice for them means holding all the police officers involved in his death accountable.

"I say to the Floyd family, to our beloved society, and to everyone who watches me," George Floyd was important and loved, and his family is important, and his life is valuable, and we will seek justice for him and you, "he said at a press conference.

Ellison pointed out how difficult it is to convict two policemen involved in bad behavior in the United States and acknowledged that the way forward may be difficult, and asked the community to be patient as the team working with him seeks to prepare a court case.

He added: "We seek to achieve justice through the legal and moral means available to us."