Germany: Two young men attack a Muslim girl and take off her veil

Germany: Two young men attack a Muslim girl and take off her veil

German police announced in the east of the country today, Sunday, that they received a criminal complaint against two young men suspected of attacking an 11-year-old Iraqi girl and took off her head.

And the police in the city of Dresden, the capital of the eastern state of Saxony, said Sunday that the two young men did so the day before yesterday, Friday, and that one of them (17 years) pulled her from her hair and dropped her to the ground.

The police added that the second young man, 16, was suspected of having kicked her twice, while his partner blocked her mouth.

The police added that the two young men said to the girl during the attack: "What do you want from us? Return to your homeland!"

The two young men are under investigation for serious physical injury, based on the criminal case filed by the girl.