Germany: Merkel´s Christian coalition calls for a ban on school children

Germany: Merkel´s Christian coalition calls for a ban on school children

Politicians from the Christian Alliance, to which German Chancellor Angela Merkel belongs, have called for a ban on young girls wearing headscarves in schools.

"I am convinced that banning the wearing of the headscarf for children under 14 years of age in educational institutions will be an important step in providing free and independent training," Christophe de Vries, internal affairs expert for the Christian Democrats, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa. And equal for young Muslim girls, "calling on states to make efforts to achieve this.

As for the deputy head of the Parliamentary Bloc of the Bavarian Christian Social Party and the former Minister of Justice of the German state of Bavaria, Friedrich Bausbach, he said that the official institutions must confront the trend of "developing religious or ideological societies parallel under the mantle of the right of the parents is a mistake", explaining that the priority should be The best interest of the child.

Francesca Hubermann, chief of women´s affairs in the Hamburg Christian Democrats, sees the Islamic veil of children as "a sign of oppression and gender (sexualization of personality or gender)".

Huberman stated that she felt support in her request to states to ban the veil of children in schools through the report of Constitutional expert Kirill-Alexander Schwarz, who was commissioned by the Federal Labor Association for Migrant Associations in Germany.

The report, which was published in Berlin on Thursday, stated that it is possible to constitutionally prohibit the wearing of headscarves for girls under the age of 14 in all public institutions.

It is reported that Islamic organizations have criticized such proposals from political circles in the past, justifying that most Muslim girls do not wear the hijab forcibly from their parents. Activists concerned with women´s rights are divided in this matter. Some see the ban as a restriction of freedom, while others see the veil as a symbol of repression that cannot be accepted for reasons of "naive cultural relativism."