Germany approves the addition of third-sex births

Germany approves the addition of third-sex births

Berlin _ Agencies

Following the ratification in a number of European countries of homosexual marriage and the spread of what has become known as the third sex, European governments have begun to ratify the rights of these persons and not to discriminate against them.

The German cabinet has approved a bill providing for the addition of a third option when determining the sex of the newborn in future birth records, so that the options available are "male",  "female",  "different".

The order came after a decision of the Supreme Constitutional Court in 2017, when the court found that the rules in force within the country constituted a violation of personal rights and the prohibition of discrimination under the German Constitution.

Russia on Thursday quoted German Justice Minister Katarina Bareli as saying that the human being should not be discriminated against because of his sexual identity, welcoming the "long-awaited" law since last year.

The cabinet´s endorsement comes after a request from Germany´s highest judicial body last year.

During the current year, a number of countries have recognized the third sex and added them to the options of "different" sex.