German police seize 74 kilograms of marijuana

German police seize 74 kilograms of marijuana

German police seized a large amount of drugs and cash in the possession of a gang operating in Europe.

This came after months of police investigations.

Yesterday evening, the police and prosecutors in the city of Ludwigshafen announced that 14 suspects were in pretrial detention, noting that the investigators had seized in the gang´s possession 74 kilograms of marijuana, about 1.8 kilograms of cocaine and more than 160,000 euros.

The police and prosecutors announced that there is a suspicion that the gang sold large quantities of drugs in southern and central Germany, in addition to Austria and Switzerland.

The authorities seized 65 kilograms of marijuana in mid-May in a truck coming from Spain in a parking lot in the city of Steinheim near Ludwigshafen, and three men were arrested.

A few days later, 5.5 kilograms were seized in a car in Austria, while 2.4 kilograms of marijuana and 1.1 kilograms of cocaine were found in two brothers´ car in Karlsruhe, and more drugs were found and more people were arrested last July.