German agency: Merkel will not seek new mandate as country Advisor

German agency: Merkel will not seek new mandate as country Advisor

Berlin _ Agencies

Chancellor Angela Merkel intends to abandon the presidency of the Christian Democratic Party (CDU), the German news agency (AFP) said Monday.

The latter does not intend to run again for the presidency of the "Christian Democratic Party" or for the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag) elections after the end of the current legislative term in December, the agency said, quoting an insider at Merkel´s party.

According to sources, Merkel said at a meeting with the party´s presidium on Tuesday that she also had no intention of holding any positions in the EU.

Merkel´s decision follows the harsh loss of her party  "Christian Democrat " and his main partner  "Christian Social Union " in the local elections in the state of Hessen and Bvarya, in the west of the country.

Other sources told the German news agency on Friday that Merkel would continue to serve as the country´s advisor, but would not run for the party presidency.

"For me, the two posts (the presidency and the Chancellor) should be in one hand in order to form a stable government," the German chancellor said in a press statement in February last February.

Merkel was elected in April 2000 as president of the "Christian Democratic Party" by an overwhelming majority.