General elections in Greece Sunday

General elections in Greece Sunday

 For the first time since its bankruptcy, Greece is on Sunday to hold a general election expected to oust Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who is accused of imposing austerity on a people overwhelmed by the crisis.

The radical young leftist was elected in January 2015 with a promise to end austerity, after five years of crisis that made despair seeped into the souls of the Greeks.

But the pressure executed by the creditors made him change his position and forced to accept a rescue plan involving measures to prevent the strict exit of the country from the euro area.

The analyst George Felisas said that Tsebras "betrayed promises and dismissed the hopes of voters."

After four years of left-wing Syriac government, opinion polls suggest the Greeks will turn the political scene by giving a big victory to the conservative New Democracy Party.

The latest poll predicted Kyriacos Mitsutakis´s party would win between 155 and 159 of the 300 seats in the Greek parliament.

After losing the European and local elections at the end of May and the beginning of June, Alexis Tsipras, whose term ends theoretically in October, has threatened to call early elections, hoping to dispel dissatisfaction with the street.

"There are two main reasons" for the failure of the prime minister: "Failure to respect his promises and to impose measures that have impoverished the Greeks," says analyst George Felisas. "We can talk about the taxpayer´s revenge on the middle class," he said.

Tsebras said he was aware of the unpopular measures imposed by creditors on Greece to prevent the bankruptcy of the country.

"The 2010-2014 phase was catastrophic, and one million of our citizens lost their jobs," he said at a rally in Volos.

But in a last-ditch attempt to beautify the picture, unemployment fell to 18 percent, remaining the highest in the eurozone, raising the minimum wage to 650 euros and other social measures.

"We saved 400,000 jobs, raised the minimum wage by 11 percent and delivered 250,000 workers a chance to improve their salaries with better working conditions thanks to the return of joint aid," he said.

On his electoral posters, the slogan "Let´s decide our lives now."

"Alexis Tsipras has made many promises but has not implemented half of his program," said Antones Vollgaris, a former Sereza activist.

In turn, Andreas Tsanavares, who fought in the party, said that "Syrias has moved away from his popular base, which in 2015 was a symbol of hope and renewal of the political class, but it turned out to be a party like other parties . "

Polls predicted Sereza would win between 80 and 83 seats in Sunday´s election, with 144 seats in the outgoing parliament.

In the midst of a sharp bilateral polarization between the radical left and preservatives, the Movement for Change, which was born on the ruins of the socialist PASOK party, promised to back the right, with about 20 seats expected.