Gaza: Number of prisoners on hunger strike rises to 10

Gaza: Number of prisoners on hunger strike rises to 10

The Number of Prisoners of War is on going to the next day, the report said.

Riad al-Ashkar, media spokesman for the center, explained that two prisoners recently joined the convoy of striking prisoners, namely the isolated prisoner (Anas Saad Awad ) (32 years) residents of Nablus, and has been going on strike for 14 consecutive days to protest against his continued administrative detention and solitary confinement since the events of The Negev prison in March The past.

The prisoner is a teacher, and was arrested on 28 March 2018 and issued a decision to arrest him administratively and renewed his arrest three times in a row, and during the events of the Negev 5 months ago, he was isolated after the assault on him brutally in his argument that he tried to carry out a stabbing attack against a jailer, and suffers from harsh conditions inside the isolation, and is subjected to humiliation and humiliation and We are deprived of all human rights.

The isolated Maqdisi prisoner Iyad Hassani Baza´, 33, from Qalandia camp, went on strike 14 days ago to protest his isolation five months ago, and his continued administrative detention for 22 months. On 24 October 2017, special forces re-arrested the freed prisoner, and issued a decision a few days later against him, and renewed him five times in a row, and isolated him last April in the cells of The Ishel prison in difficult circumstances in the need of throwing hot water at one of the jailers, a former prisoner who had spent 5 x Noat in the prisons of the occupation.

Al-Ashkar said that two other prisoners who had recently joined the strike, Nasser Zidan Jada, 30, from The town of Burqin, Jenin governorate, were recaptured on 4 July 2019, along with his brother Ashraf after breaking into their homes. He went on hunger strike for 16 days and suffered a disc in his back.

The prisoner, 21-year-old Thaer Yousef Hamdan, from Ramallah, 13 days ago decided to go on an open strike to protest his 13-month administrative detention, as he was a prisoner of an editor who was re-arrested on 16 July 2018, and transferred to the administrator and renewed him three times in a row, which led him to enter the hunger strike.

He pointed out that six other prisoners continue their open hunger strike to protest their continued administrative detention, for dozens of days, while there has been a serious decline in the health of some of them, especially the prisoners who are sick of cancer , and "Ahmed Ghannam" and the leader of "Qadan".

The 33-year-old prisoner from occupied Jerusalem, Hadifa Badr Halabia, has been on strike for 53 days and has been detained since June last year, suffering from poor health conditions as a result of his previous blood cancer, and needs health follow-up.

He is in Ramla Hospital after his health deteriorated dramatically, where he suffers from cramps throughout his body, shortness of breath, has lost weight of 18 kg, can not stand on his feet, moves in a wheelchair, is permanently dizzy and severe, and cannot sleep.

While the prisoner with cancer in the blood," Ahmed Abdul Karim Ghannam,42 years old from Hebron, has been on hunger strike for 40 consecutive days, and is suffering from a slow death as a result of the continuation of his strike, as he suffers from weakened immunity, and was taken to the hospital after his health declined significantly, and the sugar level has dropped in He has severe and persistent pain all over his body, a vertigo in his head, a 17 kg weight loss, and he can´t stand.

He is married and has two children and is a former prisoner who spent nine years in prison, and was re-arrested on 28 June 2019. He was transferred to administrative detention.

He said: "The prisoner of the leader of the Islamic Jihad (Tarek Qadan) (46 years) from Jenin continues his open strike for 23 consecutive days, refusing to arrest the administrative against him, and announced two days ago to escalate his open strike by stopping drinking water, which posed a real danger to his life."

He was re-arrested in February and sentenced to six months´ administrative detention, a former prisoner who spent nearly 15 years in israeli prisons.

Ismail Ahmed Ali, 30, from The Jerusalem town of Abu Dis, has been on hunger strike for 30 consecutive days to protest his administrative detention. Administrative.

Sultan Ahmed Khalaf, 38, from Jenin, has been on hunger strike for 36 days after issuing an administrative order against him, and was re-arrested on July 8, 2019, and has spent four years in israeli prisons, suffering from breathing problems, and is in "Megiddo" prison.

The 20-year-old prisoner from Hebron continues his open strike for the 25th consecutive day against his administrative detention, and in protest against the delay of the occupation detention administration by providing him with the necessary treatment, where he needs to remove platinum from the pelvis, because his long stay will affect His growth, in addition to an operation in his nose that was broken during the detention, and the occupation isolated him in the Negev prison.

He pointed out that a new batch of 44 prisoners distributed in several prisons began thursday with a three-day solidarity strike, bringing the number of prisoners in solidarity in solidarity with the strikers to 94.

The Center also renewed its call for all free people of the world to intervene urgently to save the lives of the prisoners who are on strike before it is too late, calling on our people to intensify the activities of solidarity with them, and to support them by all means to highlight their suffering and difficult situations.