Gaza Municipality: The continued targeting of water resources by the occupation heralds a great thirst crisis

Gaza Municipality: The continued targeting of water resources by the occupation heralds a great thirst crisis

On Friday evening, the Gaza municipality issued a statement, warning of a major thirst crisis in the Strip, after the Israeli war machine targeted water sources.  


The following is the text of the statement, as received by Sawa Agency:

The Israeli war machine´s targeting of water sources heralds a great thirst crisis 

The Gaza municipality warns that the Israeli war machine’s continued targeting of water sources and its main lines in the city threatens to cause a thirst crisis in the city, as the occupation has deliberately targeted civilian installations and sources of life, including the main water lines from the first day of the aggression, which led to a severe shortage of household water access. In large areas of the city.

The targeting of the occupation of the main water lines, especially in the north of the city and the Tel Al-Hawa area, and the seawater desalination plant in northern Gaza stopped working for the third consecutive day, and the electricity was cut off for long hours during the day as a result of the crisis that the power plant suffers from, in addition to the fuel crisis that The municipality suffers from it, a major impact on the arrival of water to more than 350,000 people in the city, and in the face of this dangerous development, the Gaza municipality stresses the following:

The municipality condemns the deliberate targeting of the occupation’s water lines and sources of life, which is a crime against humanity, and calls on the international community and humanitarian organizations to put pressure on the occupation to stop its targeting of civilians, the infrastructure and sources of life in the city.

The continued targeting of water pipelines by the occupation heralds a great thirst crisis and a health and environmental catastrophe that exacerbates the already dire humanitarian conditions in the city.

The Gaza municipality calls on local and international institutions to take responsibility and assist them in providing the necessary fuel to operate service facilities to enable them to continue providing water and basic services, especially water delivery services, cleaning and sanitation services.

Gaza municipality 
