Gaza lawyers are demonstrating in front of "Erez" to protest the siege

Gaza lawyers are demonstrating in front of "Erez" to protest the siege

Some 300 Palestinian lawyers from the Gaza Strip demonstrated on Tuesday in front of the Beit Hanoun "Erez" checkpoint in the northern Gaza Strip, rejecting the siege imposed on Gaza for more than 13 years.

The demonstration was organized by the National Authority for the Marches of Return and Breaking the Siege under the name of "Lawyers Against the Siege." The participants raised the Palestinian flag and slogans in Arabic and English calling for an end to the killing of Palestinians and the deliberate targeting of civilians.

In a speech delivered on behalf of lawyers, lawyer Fatima Lolo called for the need to stop the siege and go to the international courts in order to hold Israel accountable for imposing this siege that violates all international laws.

She pointed to the occupation´s attempt to promote that it eased the siege, but the measures on the ground confirm its continuation and aggravation from time to time, and accused the occupation of trying to institutionalize the siege and trying to support it internationally.

It called on the international community to shoulder its responsibilities and immediately intervene to end the siege and hold Israeli officials accountable for their crimes.