Funeral of Martyr Mahmoud Abu S'ann in Tulkarm

Funeral of Martyr Mahmoud Abu S'ann in Tulkarm

Thousands of citizens in the Tulkarm Governorate participated in the funeral procession of the martyr, Mahmoud Husam Abu S'ann (18 years old), who was killed during the clashes that erupted in the city and its refugee camp.

The funeral procession started from the Martyr Thabet Thabet Governmental Hospital, with mourners carrying the martyr's body on their shoulders. They marched through the streets of Tulkarm chanting angry national slogans denouncing the occupation's crimes against our people.

The procession headed to the martyr's family home in the western neighborhood of the city, where they bid their final farewell. Then, the body was taken to the Al-Rawda Mosque for the funeral prayer before being laid to rest in the western cemetery of Tulkarm.

National factions, institutions, and activities in Tulkarm Governorate mourned the martyr Abu S'ann and announced a comprehensive mourning as a condemnation of his cold-blooded assassination by the Israeli war machine, which continues to kill Palestinian people throughout the country.

The martyr Abu S'ann was killed by Israeli gunfire during clashes that erupted near the courts in the western part of the city after the Israeli forces withdrew from the Tulkarm refugee camp.

Eyewitnesses reported that the martyr was initially shot by the occupation forces and fell to the ground, and then an Israeli soldier approached him and directly shot him in the head from point-blank range, causing his martyrdom. Medical sources confirmed a complete tear in the brain.

The martyr Abu S'ann successfully completed his high school education this year with an average grade of 70. He was originally from the Nur Shams refugee camp.