France is "concerned" after North Korea fired two missiles

France is "concerned" after North Korea fired two missiles

France expressed "deep concern" over the new missile launches by North Korea and called for a resumption of dialogue with Washington as soon as possible for nuclear disarmament.

"We have taken note with great concern of the information on the launching of new ballistic missiles from North Korea on Wednesday after similar operations last week," a foreign ministry spokesman said.

France confirmed the condemnation of such launches, which affect regional and international security and stability. It called on North Korea to comply with UN Security Council resolutions that require it to refrain from any provocation, launch ballistic missile-related missiles and stop all activity linked to ballistic missile program. "

France called on North Korea to "resume as soon as possible dialogue with the United States on nuclear disarmament and to engage quickly in the process of complete and verifiable dismantling of its programs of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles, whatever their scope, as well as associated programs."

According to the South Korean military commanders ´committee, North Korea launched two missiles on Wednesday, circling 250 km (30 miles) at a height of 30 kilometers, before falling in the "East Sea," the South Koreans´ name on the Sea of ​​Japan.