European Parliament declares climate and environmental "state of emergency"

European Parliament declares climate and environmental "state of emergency"

The European Parliament on Thursday declared a "climate and environmental" state of emergency in a symbolic vote aimed at keeping pressure on EU leaders as the 25th climate summit approaches and on the threshold New European Executive Team.

The resolution, adopted by a comfortable majority (429 in favor, 255 against and 19 abstentions), affirms parliament´s commitment to "reduce global warming to 1.5 degrees and avoid significant biodiversity loss".

The vote follows a series of similar sessions in a number of national parliaments, particularly in France, the United Kingdom and Austria.

"The fact that Europe is the first continent to declare a state of climate and environmental emergencies, just before the Cob 25 summit, is on the threshold of the new commission," said Pascal Canfan, chairman of the European Parliament´s Environment Committee, part of the Renewal of Europe grouping liberals and centrists. Three weeks after President Donald Trump confirmed the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, it is a powerful message for citizens and for the whole world. ”

The EPP did not join the Renewal of Europe, the Social-Democrats and the Greens in drafting the common text of the proposed law. In the final vote, MPs split, with about half of them voting in favor.

"There is an urgent need to act, but not to declare a state of emergency," said Peter Leyes on behalf of the European People´s.

The European Parliament, which has a tougher stance from member states on the level of greenhouse gas emission reductions, voted for a second text on Thursday in preparation for the COP25 summit, which begins in Madrid in December. The text again calls on the 28 member states to agree at a forthcoming summit in December on the goal of "carbon neutrality" by 2050 at the latest.