Elhan Omar receives death threats after Trump tweets

Elhan Omar receives death threats after Trump tweets

A Muslim woman in the US Congress said she received an increasing number of death threats after a tug-of-war with US President Donald Trump, accusing her of minimizing the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

"Since the president´s gala on Friday evening, I have been exposed to a growing number of direct threats to my life - many of which directly refer to or respond to the president´s video," Elhan Omar said in a statement posted on her Twitter page.

"Violent crimes and other acts of hatred by right-wing and nationalist national extremists are on the rise in this country and around the world, and we can no longer ignore their encouragement from the highest position in the country."

Last Friday, Trump published a video clip of Omar, who received a speech about the treatment of Muslims after the 2001 attacks, and attached pictures of the World Trade Center burning. "We will never forget!"

Elhan Omar´s colleagues in the Democratic Party, including presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, defended Omar and accused Trump of inciting violence and spreading hatred.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Sunday she had asked officials to review the security measures in place to protect her family, her family and her family.

"The President´s words are heavy and his hateful inflammatory speech creates a real danger," President Trump said. "President Trump must remove the disrespectful and dangerous video."