Elhan Omar: I will remain a nightmare chasing Trump

Elhan Omar: I will remain a nightmare chasing Trump

US Democratic Representative Elhan Omar confirmed on Thursday that she would remain a "nightmare" for US President Donald Trump, whose supporters fiercely attacked her during an election rally the day before, calling her "fascist" "He said.

"The nightmare (for Trump) is to see a Somali refugee reach Congress," said the Democrat on her return to her constituency in Minnesota, where she was warmly received. "We will remain a nightmare for this president because his policy is a nightmare for us," she said.

Omar, 36, the daughter of Somali refugees and advised by Trump to "return" to her country of origin, described the US president as a "fascist." "It´s not about me, it´s about our fight for what our country should be," she said.

The young Muslim woman, whose remarks about Israel a few months ago, sharply disputed Trump´s attempt to silence the "democratic debate and differences of opinion" in the country.

Before going to Minnesota, Elhan Omar, one of the two Muslim deputies in the US Congress, told journalists in Washington: "We said that this president is racist and we denounced his racist statements.

Hundreds of supporters of the Republican president chanted at a rally in North Carolina on Wednesday night, "they sent her home," referring to Omar, who was born in Somalia and took refuge with her family in the United States, where she later became a citizen.

473 days before the elections, this electoral rally could be a turning point.

In the face of anger, Trump tried Thursday to distance himself from this scene, which aroused great resentment in the United States. "I was not happy about that, and I do not agree with him," he said. "I think I did it ... I started talking very quickly," Trump told reporters when asked about the cheering and why he did not intervene to stop the crowd from chanting.

He stood on a platform bearing the US president´s banner and did not at any time try to calm the crowd, echoing the new slogan, which is reminiscent of another 2016 slogan about Democratic presidential candidate Hubble Hillary Clinton: "Loved it!"

Trump repeated the names of the four teams who came from minorities and attacked them violently four days ago.

As in 2016, Trump should win in three key states - Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin - if he wants to stay in the White House for another four years

After two and a half years of chaos, Trump could have chosen a form of presidential tradition as some conservatives had hoped. But he chose the opposite, that is, fueling ethnic tension to secure support for his predominantly white constituency.

"He needs his voters to mobilize, for all votes without exception, and he thinks it´s a good strategy to get them excited," said Wendy Schiller, a political scientist at Brown University.

"The danger is that he will succeed in mobilizing his constituency, and by doing so, he will also mobilize the electoral base of democrats."

"If they do not like our country, do you know? If they do not like our country, ask them to leave!" Trump says.

During the election campaign on Wednesday night, he made rare statements by an American president. "The vote for a Democrat in 2020, whatever it is, is to vote for the rise of radical socialism and to destroy the American dream, and to say clearly, to destroy our country," he said.

On the Democratic side, what happened during the rally aroused the anger of the Democratic camp.

"This is despicable, cowardly and xenophobic," Democratic Senator Camala Harris said.

Among the Republicans, the situation is the same whenever there is a controversy linked to expressions of xenophobia issued by the businessman from New York. Some expressed dissatisfaction, but senior party figures played down the significance of these statements or ignored them.

But a moderate MP in the party expressed a different position on Thursday. "I am in deep disagreement with the extreme left and I am saddened by their tone," Adam Kensinger said. "I woke up today with a sense of anger," said the young Illinois senator, "they chanted them disgusting and shook our founding fathers."

The same is true of Anthony Scaramuchi, who was briefly in charge at the White House. Trump´s changes were described as "racist and unacceptable".

"The president has to understand that if he continues on this path, he will be separated from him by a mass of voters, such as a mountain that breaks an iceberg, and they will move away," he said.