Eight killed in Taliban attack on police headquarters in Afghanistan

Eight killed in Taliban attack on police headquarters in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) - At least eight people, mostly members of the security forces, were killed after a Taliban attack on a regional police headquarters in the province of Baghlan, Afghan officials said on Sunday.

At least 55 people, including a large number of security personnel, were injured in the attack in the city of Pul-i-Khmer, the state capital, the deputy state health official, Muhbullah Habib, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa. a).

The Afghan Interior Ministry said the attack ended with the death of all the attackers. Nusrat Rahimi, a spokesman for the ministry, said earlier that three attackers were killed by police after another person blew him up in a car bomb.

The attack began around 12:30 pm (0800 GMT) in the city of Pul-e-Khmeri, after a suicide bomber blew up a vehicle full of explosives, said Asadullah Shahbaz, member of the regional council of the German Press Agency Outside the facility, after which a number of gunmen entered the compound.

The Taliban movement claimed responsibility for the attack.

A spokesman for the movement, Zabihullah Mujahid said that a military military vehicle "Humvee" was used in the first attack, claiming that he killed ten people.