Egyptian army kills 20 gunmen in Sinai, western Egypt

Egyptian army kills 20 gunmen in Sinai, western Egypt

Cairo _ Agencies

The Egyptian army said Wednesday, in statement No. 27, that its forces killed 20 militants in the "comprehensive confrontation" declared under the heading "Sinai 2018."

The army said in a statement on Monday that operations over the past days have resulted in the elimination of 20 "highly dangerous takfirist individuals" in scattered areas west of Egypt and the Sinai (northeast).

According to data released by the Egyptian army, the death toll has risen to 393, unlike 37 military, since the start of Operation "Sinai 2018 " until Wednesday.

"Intelligence has spotted an area of a terrorist cell in the Western Desert region of Egypt where terrorist elements have taken refuge, and the Air Force has carried out a concentrated aerial attack to sweep and clear the area," he said.

The army said the currency resulted in the killing of seven individuals, "high-risk Takfiris", and the seizure of a number of weapons of various types, equipment, ammunition and explosive belts.

"Thirteen takfirist individuals were eliminated during an exchange of fire with the troops during sweep and raid operations in central and northern Sinai, and 18 wanted and suspected criminal suspects were arrested and all legal action was taken against them," he said.

He added that the Army  "succeeded in destroying 18 of the terrorists ´ own, and discovered, dismantled and detonated 41 improvised explosive devices planted on the various axes of movement in Sinai."

On the western border, border guards were able to seize a drone and 2,000 members of different nationalities while attempting to migrate illegally, the statement said.

It is noteworthy that statement No. 27 monitors developments in the ongoing military operation since last February February, which was announced by the Egyptian army under a presidential mandate.

Since February last February, a military operation announced by the Egyptian military has been under a presidential mandate, targeting the operation through air, sea, land and police intervention, "confronting armed elements north and central Sinai (northeast) and other parts of the delta of Egypt (north) and the desert Dahir west of the Nile Valley."

Isolated areas of the Sinai Peninsula are witnessing attacks against the army, police and civilians, which have recently receded, most of which have been adopted by the group of "Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis" (Sinai State), which announced its "state " terrorist organization in late 2014.

It is noteworthy that statement No. 27 monitors developments in the ongoing military operation since last February February, which was announced by the Egyptian army under a presidential mandate.

Since February last February, a military operation announced by the Egyptian military has been under a presidential mandate, targeting the operation through air, sea, land and police intervention, "confronting armed elements north and central Sinai (northeast) and other parts of the delta of Egypt (north) and the desert Dahir west of the Nile Valley."

Isolated areas of the Sinai Peninsula are witnessing attacks against the army, police and civilians, which have recently receded, most of which have been adopted by the group of "Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis" (Sinai State), which announced its "state " terrorist organization in late 2014.

Non-governmental human rights centres outside Egypt accuse the security services of being accustomed to "liquidating unarmed civilians" if they are arrested, which they usually deny, and consider them as "lies."