Digital travellers: Living in buses breaks the routine of life

Digital travellers: Living in buses breaks the routine of life

Paris _ Agencies

Routine life does not suit them so they choose to travel in small buses to stay in... But their diary is not always easy.

Inside the Tivin bus and Kivim and their dog bestates a small apartment with five windows and a bed overlooking the outside, table, kitchen corner and bathroom. Solar panels have been installed on the roof to obtain power autonomy, a water tank for 170 liters and a "washer" even.

Kevin Laurent, 25, says, "we use technology... Plate, gravel and water. When we walk the vibrations occur and wash the laundry. "

"Fuel is the rent we pay," he explained. On the shelf inside the bus the book  "Zero Desche " (Zero waste  "This adage of the philosopher Seneca " Faster to live well and consider that every day itself is a full life. "

They are today near the San-jealous lake in the heart of the French Alps with views of the door. They are walking or on a bicycle. In order to be able to adopt this pattern, they work during the summer as waiters for 70 hours a week.

Kevin says, "We spend less money to do less."

- "Our Lives "-

Clemance Ploog and Toman are older than 35 and 34 years old. A year and a half ago, they abandoned everything and abandoned their apartment and work despite being tied to a long-term contract.

Since then their lives have been confined to the "fundamentals " in their small van  "We have a dry toilet without gas or water. There is one need not to abandon a mobile internet subscription.

They work as a publisher/editor as a graphic designer and decorator for the blog  "Oktoberfest".

They are a "digital traveller " which is currently experiencing a significant growth.

"I wanted to give up on the daily routine while sitting on a chair from 9:00 to 5:00 and live at my own pace," says Florian, 27, a graphic designer on his way to Greece.

"For young people, the idea is to have a very worn-out career and they are rejecting this idea," said Michel Vez, a youth specialist meeting scientist. Their relationship has changed with the work that should not occupy the whole life.  "

He adds that this is the result of "the crisis, the fragility of the work and the obligatory individualism that everyone has the responsibility to compose his life."

- "Live van "-

It is not the same as a worker in a precarious situation living in a truck or minibus because he has no other choice.

The scale of this North American slope began to expand, as evidenced by the sale of buses or small trucks that were transformed into dwellings in France. "This market accounted for 7% of camping cars in 2007, compared to 30% today," says the Association of entertainment Cars (Unni).

Social networks have contributed to this desire and enthusiasm. There is a live tag and many images attached to it. Some brands sponsor publications even through social media networks.

Synergy also plays a role in the development of this trend, such as sharing the best sites through the site "prkforknight. com " and sharing information about home handicrafts. Tivin and Kevin (Thrifty) are a major reference in the area of compliance in recent systems change.

clemance  "Instagram group" has formed "Novo nomad " and confirms "this will to live life in a different way that brings us together."

Clara confirms his life partner Florian (the creative FA) by saying, "We do not renounce the gathering or the urban life, but we want to experience something else."

But none of them closed the door completely to return to his former life.

This life may attract on paper, but consider rainy days, cold-water showers, tight space and hours to find a position where the bus, breakdowns and winter nights are...

But Volrian concludes, "But our garden is endless."