Demonstration near the American embassy in Lebanon, rejecting the "Deal of the Century"

Demonstration near the American embassy in Lebanon, rejecting the "Deal of the Century"

Hundreds of Lebanese and Palestinians demonstrated amid tight security today, Sunday, around the headquarters of the American Embassy in Lebanon in Awkar locality, north Beirut, in opposition to the plan announced by US President Donald Trump on January 28. Last January, for a Middle East settlement called "Deal of the Century".

The demonstration lasted for about three hours, according to the official "National Information Agency", and there was tension between the demonstrators and the security forces after some of the demonstrators crossed the barbed wire installed by the security forces on the road leading to the embassy, ​​and they were able to reach an iron gate that blocked the road and threw stones at it.

The demonstrators threw security forces with bottles of water and stones, but these forces managed to keep them away from their concentration points using hot pepper spray, which led to fainting and suffocation cases among the demonstrators.

Participants in the demonstration raised the Lebanese and Palestinian flags, burned the American flag, and chanted slogans and slogans condemning the US policy and administration, calling for dropping the "shame deal" and adhering to Palestinian rights.

US President Donald Trump announced the "Deal of the Century", in the presence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but this deal met the rejection of the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian factions, as they contradicted international resolutions on the Palestinian issue and the two-state solution.

Lebanon had expressed its solidarity with the Palestinians and its adherence to the Arab peace initiative, which was approved at the Arab summit held in Beirut in 2002, which is based on Security Council resolutions and relevant United Nations resolutions for the establishment of a fully sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.