Corona virus kills nearly 8,000 people worldwide

Corona virus kills nearly 8,000 people worldwide

The number of victims of the new Corona virus "Covid-19", which spread in 163 countries and territories around the world, is close to 8 thousand, while the number of infected people has exceeded 194 thousand, and about 81 thousand people recovered from it, according to data published by the World Health Organization on Tuesday.

The latest figures showed that the world recorded the death of 745 people today, bringing the total number of victims to 7.892, as well as 12.141 new injuries, bringing the number of injured so far to 194,583 cases, while 81,085 patients were recovered.

Many countries of the world today recorded new deaths and injuries wholesale.

Italy: 345 new deaths and 3,526 confirmed infections

Italy is a global epidemic, and the pandemic continues to spread strongly among citizens, causing today 345 deaths, and 3526 new confirmed cases.

Thus, the total number of victims of the virus reached 2503 people, while the infected cases amounted to 31506 people, and in return, it announced that 2941 people had recovered .

China: 13 new deaths and 21 injuries

The latest data in China, which is considered the first country to be affected by the epidemic, showed the death of 13 people, bringing the number of deaths to 3226, as well as recording 21 new cases, bringing the total number of injured to 80,881 people, and the figures showed the recovery of 68,715 patients .

Iran: 135 new deaths and 1178 injuries

In Iran, where the epidemic is spreading harshly, today 135 deaths have been announced, bringing the number of deaths to 988, as well as 1178 new cases reported, bringing the number of injured to 16,169 cases, and the number of people recovering since the announcement of the epidemic has reached 5,389 patients .

Spain: 168 new deaths and 1,467 injuries

The latest data showed the death of 168 people today, bringing the number of deceased people affected by the virus to 510, while 1467 new infections were recorded, out of 11409 is the total number of infected, while 1028 people recovered from the virus .

Netherlands: 19 new deaths and 292 injuries

The total number of deaths reached 43 people, 19 of whom were declared dead today only, and the total number of injured was 1705 people, 292 of whom were infected, the disease was discovered today, while two patients have recovered so far .

Britain: 16 new deaths and 407 injuries

In the United Kingdom, where the epidemic is rapidly spreading among its residents, 16 new deaths and 407 injuries are announced today, raising the number of dead to 71, and the number of those injured to 1950, and the number of people recovered reached 52 people .

America: 11 new deaths and 1023 injuries

In the United States of America, 11 people died today and 1,023 new cases were recorded, bringing the total number of deaths to 97, and 5686 cases, and 74 patients were declared recovering .

Switzerland: 8 deaths and 389 new infections

In Switzerland today, 8 people were reported dead, 389 new cases were recorded, and figures showed that the total number of deaths in the country rose to 27, 2742 people were injured, and 15 patients were cured .

South Korea: 6 deaths and 84 new infections

As for South Korea, the latest figures showed today the death of 6 people, bringing the number of deceased people affected by HIV infection to 81 people, and today 84 new cases were recorded, bringing the number of infected people to 8,320 cases, and statistics showed the recovery of 1,401 people .

Germany: 6 deaths and 84 new infections

In Germany, 6 people were declared dead today, bringing the total number of deaths in the country to 23, while 1332 new injuries were recorded, bringing the total number of casualties to 8,604, and in return, 67 patients were declared recovered .

Morocco: a new death

In the Kingdom of Morocco, the death of one of the people infected with the virus was announced, bringing the number of dead to two, and the number of the infected to 38 after recording a new infection today, and another citizen recovered .

Algeria: a new death

In the Algerian Republic, it was announced today the death of one of those infected with the Coruna virus, bringing the number of victims to 5, the number of infected 60 cases, and recovering 10 cases .

Iraq: New death

And in Iraq today announced the death of one of the injured, and the registration of 21 new confirmed injuries, bringing the number of victims to 11 people, and the injured to 154 cases, as well as 41 patients recovered .

Saudi Arabia: 38 new infections

The data of the World Health Organization showed that Saudi Arabia today recorded 38 injuries, bringing the number of injured in the Kingdom to 171 cases, while 6 people were cured .

30 new infections in Egypt

In the Arab Republic of Egypt, the numbers of the World Health Organization today showed that 30 new infections were recorded, out of a total of 196 cases, and 4 people died since the virus was discovered until now, and 32 others recovered .

Bahrain: 13 new infections

In the Kingdom of Bahrain, 13 confirmed new cases were recorded today, bringing the number of injured people in the Kingdom to 241, and Bahrain had previously announced the death of one of the injured citizens, and that 81 patients had recovered .

Jordan: 11 new infections

In the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the figures showed that 11 new injuries were recorded, bringing the total to 40, and one patient recovered .

Lebanon: 11 new casualties

In Lebanon, 11 new cases of the virus were announced today, bringing the number of people infected to 120, and the outbreak of the virus has resulted in the death of 3 citizens so far, and the recovery of 4 others .

Kuwait: 7 new injuries

In Kuwait, 7 new cases were announced today, bringing the total number of injured people in the country to 130, and 12 patients recovering .

Tunisia: 24 injuries so far

In Tunisia, 24 cases have been recorded since the announcement of the discovery of the epidemic in the country, and one of the injured has recovered .