Biden vows to choose a woman as his deputy if he wins the Democratic nomination

Biden vows to choose a woman as his deputy if he wins the Democratic nomination

 Former Vice President Joe Biden pledged, on Sunday, to appoint a woman as his deputy if he wins the Democratic presidential nomination in the face of President Donald Trump, in a presidential debate with his opponent, Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders Tent. Corona virus on it.

Democratic presidential candidates Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders attacked US President Donald Trump´s approach to tackling the Coronavirus.

During a bilateral debate in the context of the Democratic primary campaign, Biden stressed the need to declare war on the virus, and to do much more than Trump did, such as resorting to the army able to build temporary hospitals.

For his part, Sanders accused Trump of undermining the work of experts.

Democratic candidate Joe Biden, who aspires to win his party´s candidacy for the upcoming US presidential election, has vowed to choose a woman as his deputy if he wins the party´s nomination.

Biden said in the eleventh presidential debate of the Democratic Party in which he faced the competition of Bernie Sanders, that his government, if he wins, "will reflect the state of the country" and that he will nominate a woman to be his deputy, noting that "there are a number of women qualified to assume the presidency."

He said in the debate: "If I am elected president, my government, my administration, will be in the form of countries, and I commit to choosing a woman as vice president. Many women have the necessary qualities to become future presidents. I will choose a woman (to be) a vice president."

Sanders, for his part, said he would "probably" choose a woman to be the vice presidential candidate. He explained: "For me, the issue is not only about naming a woman, but rather it is about choosing a progressive woman."

On the eve of the fourth round of the important primaries on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, Democrats Biden and Sanders faced four important states: Ohio, Florida, Arizona, and Illinois, with initial polls indicating Biden´s progress in the four states, and increasing the number of delegates to the party´s candidacy position. in hand.

It is mentioned that the candidate must obtain 1991 delegates in order to obtain the nomination of the party.

Yesterday evening, Sunday, their first bilateral TV debate was on the scene of the American news network "CNN" in Washington, without an audience, amid fears of the spread of Corona virus.

"I personally refrain from shaking hands," said Sanders, 78, during a televised debate with Biden on Sunday in Washington. "I didn´t shake hands with Joe."

He added: "I am very careful in dealing with people, and I use a lot of soap and disinfectant fluids for the hand .. Thank God, I do not have any symptoms of the disease, and I am very thankful for that."

Sanders announced last Wednesday that he remained in the race to compete for the Democratic nomination, despite a series of severe defeats by his opponent Joe Biden, stressing that he intends to "do everything" to defeat US President Donald Trump next November.

Both candidates canceled electoral rallies, while Louisiana and Georgia postponed primaries, against the backdrop of an epidemic that has killed at least 57 Americans so far and paralyzed daily life in several areas of the country.

Several states and cities imposed restrictions on gatherings, and closed schools that are often used as polling stations, in an attempt to contain the epidemic.

The state of Georgia (in the south) announced the postponement of its primary elections for two months, while the deputy in the Georgia State Senate Nikima Williams warned that voting would threaten the health of voters.

A day earlier, Louisiana (also in the south) announced that it would also delay its 11-week primaries.