Corona ... more than 800 thousand deaths in the world

Corona ... more than 800 thousand deaths in the world

Yesterday, Friday, Corona deaths in the world exceeded the 800,000 mark, according to the "Worldometer" website, which monitors virus statistics .

The site´s data showed that the death toll around the world reached 800,101 .

The largest number of deaths due to "Corona" was recorded in the United States, reaching 178,68 thousand .

Corona deaths in Brazil exceeded 112,670, and Mexico recorded 59,106 deaths .

In the Arab world, 6 thousand 283 deaths from the virus were recorded in Iraq, and Egypt came second with 5 thousand and 212, then Saudi Arabia 3 thousand and 580 .

Corona has spread to more than 200 countries since its appearance on December 12, 2019 .

The virus has infected more than 23 million people, of whom 15 million and 637 thousand 875 have recovered, according to the same site .