Coca-Cola comments on media outlets, rejecting racism

Coca-Cola comments on media outlets, rejecting racism

Coca-Cola, the global giant that spends large sums on marketing and advertising, announced on Friday that it will suspend for at least 30 days all its ads on all social media in an effort From them to fight racism on virtual networks.

"There is no place for racism in the world, and no place for racism on social networks," the soft drink company chairman said in a very brief statement.

He explained that the goal of this step is to push social media sites to adopt more "transparency and responsibility", at a time when these networks are facing a boycott campaign, joined by many brands, to deprive these sites of advertising revenue as a way to pressure them to fight more aggressively with the content that develops. About racism or hatred.

And the soft drink company later announced that this "stop" does not mean that Coca-Cola joined the campaign launched last week by organizations that defend the rights of blacks and other civil society.

The campaign, called "Stop Heat for Profit" (No Hatred for Profit), raised the slogan of boycotting Facebook advertising during July.

The campaign aims to pressure Facebook to force it to reform the rules related to the work of groups that incite hatred, racism or violence