Clashes and injuries in Hebron during a march against the deal of the century

Clashes and injuries in Hebron during a march against the deal of the century

 Dozens of citizens were injured, today, by rubber-coated bullets and suffocation cases during clashes that broke out at the entrance to the northern city of Hebron, after the Israeli occupation forces suppressed a march against the "Deal of the Century".

The occupation forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets towards the participants in the march that started from the University of Hebron towards the northern entrance to the city, which resulted in the injury of the journalist Abdel Mohsen Al-Shallalda with a gas bomb to the head, and dozens of students were suffocated, as a result of tear gas bombs.

In the same context, dozens of citizens were suffocated during a march called by the Fatah movement in the town of Halhoul, and the occupation forces arrested journalist Mohamed Melhem, a radio correspondent for Marah.