China summons German ambassador for prominent activist in Hong Kong protests

China summons German ambassador for prominent activist in Hong Kong protests

China has officially summoned the German ambassador to Beijing for a meeting with leading politicians in Hong Kong, Joshua Wong, during a visit to Germany.

"We have expressed our deep dissatisfaction," China´s ambassador to Germany, Wu Qin, told reporters in Berlin on Wednesday.

The incident - Wong´s meeting with German Foreign Minister Heiko Mas and other German politicians - would have negative consequences for bilateral relations, Qin said, noting that the Chinese government had repeatedly urged not to allow him to enter Germany.

The German Foreign Ministry said earlier in response to a query that the German ambassador in Beijing was holding talks at the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Wong arrived in Berlin on Monday evening and held talks with the German foreign minister during a ceremony organized by the German newspaper "Bild".

Wong called on the German government to clearly condemn police violence and abuse of power.

Wong, 22, told the Federal Press Conference in Berlin that Germany should also suspend arms exports to riot police in Hong Kong. "Actions say more than words," he said.

Wong also called on Germany to suspend talks on trade relations with China and Hong Kong until human rights issues are on the agenda, noting sanctions should also be considered.

Wong was arrested at Hong Kong airport on Sunday before leaving for allegedly breaking bail conditions.

"There are more facts that have made it very clear that some hard-liners, under the pretext of democracy, are hiding their true face and their malicious intent to oppose the rule of law and community order and the principle of one country, two systems," said the Chinese ambassador to Germany, accusing Wong of being the organizer of violent protests in Hong Kong. Kong.