Bishop Atallah Hanna: Occupation practices in Gaza are war crimes

Bishop Atallah Hanna: Occupation practices in Gaza are war crimes

Bishop Atallah Hanna, archbishop of Sistia, said Friday that the actions of the israeli occupation authorities in Palestine, particularly in the Gaza Strip, amounted to war crimes.

In a statement received by the Palestine News Network, the bishop stressed that there can be no single standard for the whole world and a standard that excludes Israel from being held accountable for its crimes.

He added that the occupation practices, assassinations and the policy of treachery are crimes added to the record of deliberate occupation crimes against the Palestinian people, and they are considered war crimes under the rome statute establishing the International Criminal Court, stressing that Israel must be held responsible for these crimes and all their consequences and consequences.

He explained that indiscriminate attacks and occupation attacks have caused panic and fear among Palestinian civilians living under an inhumane and illegal siege and without any access to any safe shelter from such rocket attacks.

"The Israeli aggression has caused a halt to life in Gaza, where universities, schools and institutions have closed their doors to avoid civilian casualties in the light of israel´s military terrorist attack," he said.

The Bishop condemned these criminal attacks as well as all previous attacks, reiterating the call for immediate protection for the Palestinian people in accordance with international law.

He wished all human rights and human rights institutions in the world to rise to the level of moral, humanitarian and legal responsibility and to stand by our people in their plight.

He went on to say: "" We do not trust any truce with the occupation, which is known for its treachery and its taking of assassinations as a means of pressuring and blackmailing our people."

The bishop´s words came as he received a human rights delegation from Italy on Monday, where he put them in the picture of what was happening in Jerusalem and answered a number of questions and inquiries.