Birzeit University is the first in Palestine and the 47th in the world in the "IEEEXtreme" international competition

Birzeit University is the first in Palestine and the 47th in the world in the "IEEEXtreme" international competition

Birzeit University was ranked first nationally and 47th in the world in the IEEEXtreme International Competition, organized by the International Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), in which 3503 teams from around the world participated.

The competition is based on solving programming issues throughout the day in an enthusiastic atmosphere experienced by students from all over the world at the same time, as this competition is organized annually.

The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Unit hosted Birzeit University teams, who worked hard to solve a large number of various programming issues that were presented by a specialized committee according to international standards.

Wasel Ghanem, a professor of computer engineering and the student branch coordinator for IEEE at Birzeit University, said that the question levels for this year were the most difficult in years, but with the efforts of students, their preparation and continuous training, the result was excellent at the local and global levels, as Birzeit University advanced 37 places worldwide over the past year. To become in the category of the world´s 50 best universities in the competition.

He added that the university "participated with eight student teams, and there was full commitment to safety standards. These teams, in addition to the first place locally, won the second and fourth places."