Biden spokeswoman: "We don´t miss" Trump on Twitter

Biden spokeswoman: "We don´t miss" Trump on Twitter

 White House spokeswoman Jane Saki was asked Monday whether the ban on Donald Trump on Twitter would facilitate President Joe Biden’s term in office, so she evaded the answer, but she said, “I cannot say that we are We miss him on Twitter. "

"You might find it hard to believe, but we spend a little time thinking or talking about President Trump, former President Trump, let´s be clearer," she added.

And she continued, "I think that this is a question that should rather be posed to the elected Republican members of Congress," referring to the pressure exerted by the former president for a long time through tweets of one of these.

When asked whether Joe Biden supports keeping his predecessor banned from the site, she simply replied, "It is a decision taken by Twitter."

Twitter, which was Donald Trump´s main tool during his campaign and state, permanently suspended Trump´s account, two days after his supporters stormed the Capitol on January 6.

This decision sparked strong criticism among Trump supporters, some leaders and NGOs, who are concerned about the influence of social media platforms without any external censorship.