Banksy helps rescue ship for refugees in the Mediterranean

Banksy helps rescue ship for refugees in the Mediterranean

The German relief organization Sea Watch said that the famous and mysterious British street artist, Robert Banksy, is helping a rescue ship for refugees in the Mediterranean.

The Guardian newspaper said Banksy funded the ship to rescue refugees trying to reach Europe from North Africa.

According to the newspaper report, the ship "Louise Michel" set off from a Spanish port near Valencia on August 18. The ship rescued 89 people, who were facing distress in the Mediterranean, on Thursday, including 14 women and 4 children.

And the rescue ship is now looking for a port to drop off the rescued passengers, according to the newspaper.

The identity of the artist, Banksy, remains a mystery. It is known that he is from Bristol in the southwest of England and came to London in the late 1990s. He addresses the homeless and also addresses the Coronavirus epidemic in his work.