Assassination of a defender of indigenous peoples ´ rights in Mexico

Assassination of a defender of indigenous peoples ´ rights in Mexico

Mexico _ Agencies

A local leader and human rights activist was assassinated in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua, Amnesty International said on Friday.

Human rights activist Julian Kaario, a leader of the Tarhumara tribe living in the northern mountains of the Sierra Madre, was assassinated last Wednesday evening, the organization said in a statement.

The statement said that two gunmen had tracked down Kaario´s car in a rural area and assassinated him.

The statement added that Kaario was known for his struggle against illegal logging activities, and mining in the indigenous area, known as the "ancestral land ".

The statement said Kaario´s assassination came after he objected to a third-party mining license in an area belonging to the local population.

The Mexican government has been providing protection to Cario since 2014 as part of the protection of human rights defenders, yet his home was set ablaze in 2016, and four of his relatives were killed in three years.