Arrests in the West Bank and Jerusalem

Arrests in the West Bank and Jerusalem

The occupation arrested, at dawn today, several young men from separate areas of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Local sources said that the occupation forces arrested the young Hussam Al-Hajj Hassan from Qalqilya, and also installed a pilot checkpoint at the entrance to Azzun, east of the governorate.

From Tulkarm, occupation forces detained Saddam Ahmad Shaheen while he was passing at the Za´tara checkpoint, south of Nablus.

From Hebron, the occupation arrested Miqdad Al-Qawasmi, Nur ad-Din Anan al-Qadi, Khaled Ghanimat, Nur ad-Din Ahdoush and the young man Khaled Ibrahim Khader Sabarna.

And a group of young men from Al-Isawiya were arrested, occupied East Jerusalem, and they are: Ghassan Alyan Abu Aziz, Wasim Obaid Abu Nayef, Firas Tariq Mustafa, Mari Derbas, Firas Tariq Mustafa, Haitham Al-Asmar, Dawood Alyan Abu Muhammad, Akram Atiya Abu Al Samir, and Wissam Abu Al-Homs Bahlul And Imran Mustafa Abu Musa.