Ardan calls for the imposition of Israeli sovereignty over all of Jerusalem

Ardan calls for the imposition of Israeli sovereignty over all of Jerusalem

TEL Aviv _ Agencies

Israeli Internal Security Minister Gilad Ardan called for the imposition of Israeli sovereignty over all of Jerusalem´s entire city, east and west, calling for the annexation of areas in the West Bank, especially the largest settlement blocs, to Israel.

Ardan also considered that the Holy Haram, the "Temple Mount" by its Israeli name, is  "The most sacred place for the Jewish people, and only for the Jewish people." By news website  "I24".

The Israeli minister spoke about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu´s visit to Washington, where he will meet with US President Donald Trump, noting that he hopes Netanyahu succeeds in this visit,  "We look at the eight difficult years we had with a president with a different vision of our vision. So there is a place for hope and optimism, "he said.